Saltwater Rods Swapped For Fly Rods

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 27-06-2016


On Saturday, June 25th, Fifield Outfitters had guests Jimmy and Wade join them for a drift boat trip on the Delaware River. These two men are avid fishermen who swapped their saltwater poles for their fly rods for this float trip. The trout activity was better early in the morning and dwindled off as the day progressed. Two big browns broke off first thing using dry flies (Sulphurs). As the day went on, a switch was made to nymphs, which produced a few strikes but no takers. Wade and Jimmy had Ryan in tears with their commentary of the characters they encountered during this adventure.  Ryan is looking forward to taking these guys earlier in the spring next year on another exciting float down the mighty Delaware.

June Drift Boat Trip with Father & Son

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 07-06-2016

Al Sr.Al Jr.

Fifield Outfitters had guests Al Sr. and Al Jr. join them for a fly fishing drift boat trip. Having Al Sr. on board was priceless because he knows the Delaware River and its branches probably better than anybody that has ever fished it. He’s been fishing this river and its tributaries for over 60 years.  Therefore, even though Ryan was the guide, he learned an immense amount from this veteran angler that has expertise in this particular river system. Al’s son, Al Jr., we’d like to thank for his dedication and bravery as a full time firefighter.

The eight hour trip seemed only like an hour with all the laughs that were shared as the entire day was filled with good humor and comradery.  Brown and rainbow trout were observed sipping an abundance of different species of flies. Specifically, March Browns, Caddis, and Olives kept the trout active throughout the day.  Opportunity to catch some nice browns and rainbows was there, but unfortunately no decent ones were landed. We look forward to having these two guys back next year for another day filled with fish and laughter!

Chris Perseveres Despite Mother Nature’s Wrath

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Hunting Reports | Posted on 02-05-2016

Chris 2016

Mother Nature sure wreaked havoc on 2016 opening day of turkey season in the Catskill Mountains. On this chilly, wet, May 1st, Fifield Outfitter’s guest, Chris, was affixed with determination to bag a bird. Soaked clothes and all, he put in a long, hard day all the way up to the last minute of legal hunting hours. He displayed true dedication to the sport of turkey hunting as he didn’t quit as the weather got worse. Only a lone hen was observed, but big Tom and his brother, Jake, will surely come out to play when the weather improves. On a side note, a lot of healthy deer were seen during this hunt.

The Gohrt Family

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Hunting Reports | Posted on 29-11-2015

The Gohrts 2015

It was a pleasure to have Greg and his two sons Sean and Scott hunting with Fifield Outfitters. Although no one harvested anything during this weekend rifle hunt, some fond family memories were made that will last a lifetime. We look forward to seeing them back in October 2016 for their bow hunt. 🙂



Brandon’s Hunt

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Hunting Reports | Posted on 26-10-2015


Fifield Outfitters had the privilege of hosting Brandon for a weekend bow hunt. He is a true outdoor sportsman filled with enthusiasm and patience as deer were seen, but no shooter bucks came in. We look forward to many more outings with Brandon trying to put that trophy white-tail on his wall. This beautiful photo was taken by Brandon at one of our stands.

Bow Hunt with Lieutenant Colonel Carter L. Price

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Hunting Reports | Posted on 04-10-2015


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Fifield Outfitters was truly honored to have Lieutenant Colonel Carter L. Price, a true American hero, join them this weekend on a bow hunt. This extremely humble, dedicated, and brave soldier has earned both a Silver and Bronze Star for Valor. Joining him was his supportive, caring, and kind wife Tricia. Carter saw a lot of deer, but he was after a bear, which didn’t end up coming in the days he was here. Thank you Carter for your service to our country! God Bless You Both!

Father & Son Duo On White Lake

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 12-09-2015

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The Miraglias, father and son duo, were guests teaming up with Fifield Outfitters on White Lake. Today’s mission was to put some poor man shrimp in the fryer. It just so happened that the jumbo perch decided to come out and play!  It got so bad out there, that at one point, the perch came up and were waving white flags. 🙂  A few toothy critters (pike) and some bass wanted their pictures taken too.  All in all, it was a pleasure having this father and son team on the boat making memories happen one cast at a time.

R.B. Ayer, Jr. Memorial African Shoot Winner!

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fifield News | Posted on 25-08-2015


It was an honor and a pleasure for Ryan, of Fifield Outfitters, LLC to be an invited guest of Mr. Al Case to the R. B. Ayer, Jr. Memorial African Shoot held on Saturday, August 22, 2015.  Mr. Case is a long time member of the Camp Fire Club of America located in Chappaqua, NY.  The history of this club is prestigious and impressive. It was founded in 1897 by hunters and conservationists including Dan Beard, Ernest Thompson Seton, and William T. Hornaday.  In fact, conservation giant, President Theodore Roosevelt, was an early and influential Camp Fire member.

Ryan had a wonderful experience and found the members to be extremely welcoming and respectful. To cap off this already incredible experience, he ended up winning the shooting competition! The parameters of this contest were: First, at 100 yards, 5 shoots are taken at a running lion faux target. Then, 6 shots are taken at an imitation rising buffalo target. After that, 5 shots are taken at a replica standing elephant target. Lastly, 5 shots are taken at a 10 inch plate at 200 yards. All shooting was off hand, meaning free hand and standing. Rifles used for the competition had to be of 375 calibers or bigger. Gun safety was stressed, enforced, and practiced by all for the competition.

Thank you Camp Fire Club of America for your hospitality. Also, thanks for all that you’ve done and continue to do for wildlife and habitat conservation!

Gnarly Ling Hooked

Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 19-08-2015

Ling 2015 Champlain


This ling was caught and released by “Tug” on Lake Champlain using a creature bait.  The fishing was quite productive as pike were slamming the spinner baits throughout the day! The pike were all successfully released for others to experience the thrill of their fight.