Gerry & John’s Rifle Hunts
Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Hunting Reports | Posted on 30-11-2017
Veterans and good buddies, Gerry and John, hunted with us this week. Gerry had a spike horn visit his stand and said, “I hope he brings his grandfather out tomorrow.” Unfortunately, grandpa never showed.
When I picked Gerry up from his blind, I pulled a chip out of a trial cam located near it. At 5:30 a.m. this morning, he was dropped off and at 5:02 a.m. a bear had just been through. All in all the hunting was tough, as the deer and bear movement slowed during daylight hours and picked up at night according to our cameras. The deer are now transitioning into post rut and back into their feeding patterns. The animals must have known that these guys were somewhere in the woodlot, because if any shooters had arrived in front of them, they would have laid the hammer down on them. It was truly an honor to have these men come hunt with us. Some people call them veterans, I call them true American heroes of which I’m honored to know.
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