The Queen’s Lure
Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 02-03-2021

The lure of prestigious, Lake George, brought back Kevin Sr. and his adventurous family. Amy, Kevin, Patricia, Madisyn, and Kevin Jr., wanted to try their hands at ice fishing The Queen. Our underwater camera’s screen filled with an epic school of perch. The group was taught how to jig for them, using our Humminbird fish finder, which also lit up from schools of smelt cruising the area. If you looked down the holes, you could observe smelt on the move. Hooks were set, and up the hard water holes perch ventured!
#FamilyAdventures #IceFishing #LakeGeorge #TheQueen #Grateful #Blessed #FishingGuide #NYSLicensedGuide #FifieldOutfitters