Jimmy & Jake Catch Bows
Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 03-06-2018
We were going to venture to the West Branch, but after hearing it was a zoo, we decided to roll on down and float the Main Stem. Jimmy and Jake had some feisty rainbows come out to play. We had action from start to finish. On one stretch of the river, Jimmy wanted to be the guide, so I let him helm the ship. Jake photographed two majestic, mature, bald eagles, that were scouting for fish in a tree at the river’s bank as we passed by. We had a great float and I can’t wait for these guys to get back in our boat. #RainbowTrout #FlyFishing #CatchPhotoRelease #ScenicWildDelawareRiver #FifieldOutfitters