Couple’s Pike Clinic
Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 03-03-2021

This lovely couple, Adrianne and Fausto, joined us once again for an ice fishing trip. This year, pike were on the hit list, and they sure didn’t disappoint. Seven toothy critters were brought up through the hard water holes, one of those, Fausto jigged up. In between pike flags, the large mouth kept us busy running from flag to flag. The action was fast and furious throughout the entire trip! It’s always awesome seeing this pair on their annual ice fishing trip, we look forward to more adventures to come!
#FishingCouple #PikeClinic #NorthernPike #PikeFishing #IceFishing #WashingtonCountyNY #FishingGuide #NYSLicensedGuide #FifieldOutfitters