Aj’s Dogwink
Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fishing Reports | Posted on 09-05-2021

May 8, 2021, was National Dog Mom’s Day. Although, as we know, not just women have a special bond with their fur children, as men do as well. With that being said, we have a timely, heartwarming story to share. It was only fitting that on that very day after AJ and Gwen’s beloved 18 year old pup, Shelby, crossed the Rainbow Bridge, that she would send her family a sign that she loves them very much, their bond will never be broken or forgotten, and she will see them again one day in Heaven. Until then, she’s with them in Spirit, and that day, she worked with the striper gods, to send AJ some of his largest catch and releases EVER, including a 40 inch striped bass! What a special day of fishing it was for AJ and Ryan on the Hudson. Thank you, Shelby, for your unconditional love, loyalty, and devotion to your family while on Earth, and now from Heaven. Rest easy, girl. ~Alicia #StriperFishing #StripedBass #HudsonRiver #CatchPhotoRelease #Lunker #GodWinks #DogWinks #RIPShelby #FurChild #Blessed #Grateful #NYSLicensedGuide #FishNY #FifieldOutfitters