PIT Handheld Scanner
Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fifield News | Posted on 01-05-2018
Thank you to NYS licensed guide, Mr. Ben Rinker, of East Branch Outfitters, for asking us to help with the NYS DEC 3 year fish tagging study on the Upper Delaware River watershed. We will be using a PIT (passive integrated transponder) tag handheld scanner. When trout are landed on our drift boat, they will be scanned to see if they carry a tag and what number tag it is. With our cell phone, we’ll record the tag numbers and locations using an app. On www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/dfip.pdf, it states that this information “assess trout movements, habitat usage, and connectivity between main stem and tributary habitats.”
#TroutStudy #ActionResearch #PITTag #PITTagScanner #BrownTrout #RainbowTrout #UpperDelawareRiver