Now Offering Bowfishing
Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fifield News | Posted on 24-08-2019
Who loves bow hunting? Who loves fishing? Well, why not do both with us, as we’re now offering bowfishing trips! Come stick some overgrown goldfish and prehistoric toothy dinosaurs! Once you try it, you’ll be wanting to come back for more! Trips are 4 hours and $250.00 for 2 shooters. Each additional shooter is $125.00. All bows and gear provided by us! All you need to do is show up with a NYS fishing or small game license and be prepared for some heart pounding excitement! A huge thank you to Aron at EXit Archery for hooking us up with some awesome bowfishing gear!
😀 🏹 🐟 #NowOfferingBowfishingTrips #NYSLicensedGuide #FifieldOutfitters