Mel, Friend, Rest in Peace
Posted by Ryan Fifield | Posted in Fifield News | Posted on 15-07-2018
We were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of long time Buck-Horn Lodge customer and friend, Mel Sherman. This past November marked Mel’s 50th hunting season at the lodge and this photo was taken with my mother-in-law, Carolyn, marking this anniversary. He was an avid hunter who harvested numerous big game throughout the years on the property. Family and friends came with him over the years and he made friends with others that frequented the lodge, too. Mel enjoyed Iris’s homemade soups, applesauce, entrees, and pies. He was just reminiscing about them with Carolyn and Alicia this past season. Back in the day, Alicia took pride in making special requested peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for him, which were enclosed in brown bags that she decorated specially for him. Mel is now posting up by a tree in God’s country. On behalf of Ron & Carolyn Lewis, Scott, Meghan, & Will Lewis, and Alicia and me, we send our deepest sympathy to his family. He will be greatly missed.